Distracted or drunk, it’s same road to ruin
“Keys, please.”
We say it to young drivers this time of year, a response to return of warm weather that heralds the dangerous summer season on the roads, when teenage calendars are crowded with high school proms and after parties and drunk driving crashes spike.
It’s not that the young don’t know the sobriety sermons: For decade, their demographic has been bombarded by the public service announcements.
Read more here: http://www.timminspress.com/2015/05/14/distracted-or-drunk-its-same-road-to-ruin?utm_source=addThis&utm_medium=addthis_button_facebook&utm_campaign=Distracted+or+drunk%2C+it%E2%80%99s+same+road+to+ruin+|+Timmins+Press#.VVX9jQTB4HE.twitter